Top 10 Amazing Discoveries that Changed the World Forever
There have been many momentous occasions
when an individual, group or generations ended up discovering some
hidden nuggets of wisdom floating in the lap of nature. Many such
discoveries changed the world forever. While some of these discoveries
are well-known to most people, several others are quite subtle that get
easily overlooked usually because their applications or outcomes appear
obvious to the modern world. Here is the list of top 10 amazing discoveries that changed the world forever.
10. Gunpowder:
the recorded history, there is no clear mention of the people who
discovered gunpowder. It is believed that Chinese alchemists, during a
series of experiments ended up discovering a powder that that could
change the nature of warfare and hunting forever. While the discovery of
gunpowder almost certainly resulted in the death of millions over the
past few decades, it has also helped the mankind to enter Space.
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9. Anatomy:
is the field of anatomy that today helps medical professionals all over
the world to understand and treat the human body. Diagnosis or
treatment of various conditions would have been nearly impossible if the
mankind had no knowledge of the anatomy. Although ancient texts on some
anatomy topics date back to 1600 BC in Egyptian history and 5000 BC in
Vedic history, it was only in the year 1543 that Andreas Vesalius
started discovering the human body in fresh light. He created the modern
text that laid the foundation of thousands of treatment methods,
accessible to billions of people on the planet today.
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8. Electricity generation:
is impossible to imagine a life without electricity today. Everything –
yes, everything in our day to day lives is depended on fundamental
principles of ‘flow of electricity’ and ‘electricity generation.’ It was
Michael Faraday who discovered the profound scientific relation in
magnetism and electricity. The first electric generator could be created
after the discovery that electricity could be generated by moving a
metallic wire around a magnet. Rest, as we know, is history!
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7. Oxygen – the fine air:
an 8 year old knows about oxygen today. When it was first discovered in
the year 1772, it was known by the name ‘fine air.’ It was known to be a
gas that accelerates combustion. The discovery laid the foundation of
high-end combustion engines that now power vehicles, motors and other
devices. When the discoverer of Oxygen, Carl Wilhelm demonstrated the
action of oxygen to a French scientist, he successfully went on to
discover that oxygen was also responsible for supporting the respiration
in all animals!
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6. Photosynthesis:
was Joseph Priestley who first established ‘indirectly’ through a
series of experiments that animals consumed the gas which is produced by
plants. It was Jan I., an Austrian scientist, who later defined the
process of photosynthesis. It was a discovery that made people all over
the world aware of how plants were restoring the balance by converting
carbon dioxide into oxygen. We could have, otherwise, wiped out all
forests by now!
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5. Penicillin:
was discovered accidently by a famous biologist Sir Alexander Fleming.
The biologist was particularly famous for being absent-minded on most
occasions as he paid great attention to small ‘changes’ taking place
around him. It was the habit of close observation that helped this
absent minded biologist to discover the principle that one set of
micro-organisms could kill or restrict the growth of other
microorganisms. Over the next several decades, the newly discovered
drug, known as penicillin, saved millions of lives.
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4. Vaccination:
is perhaps one of the greatest and most amazing discoveries that
changed the world forever largely because it has helped saving the lives
of millions ever since it was tried as an experiment in 1796. Had it
not been for the sustained efforts of Edward Jenner, many would have
lost their lives even in their infancy to diseases like small pox.
Jenner inoculated a young boy using matter from the cowpox lesions of a
dairymaid and then introduced the smallpox virus to the boy but he was
not infected. The word vaccination traces its origin to the Latin word
‘vacca’ meaning cow.
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3. Earth is not flat; its round:
you know it to be so obvious today, you couldn’t have guessed it so
easily few hundred years ago! There was a time (not a thousand years
ago, really), when people believed their boats in the ocean would fall
off the edge if they went too far! Many scientists had to lose their
lives only because they said ‘earth was round,’ and some guys at
authoritarian churches thought it was ‘outrageous and blasphemous’ to
say so!
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2. Wheel:
is no record of how discovered the wheel. It was one of those
discoveries that probably laid the foundation of human civilization!
Without wheels, we could not have moved beyond few hundred kilometers.
There would have been no exchange of knowledge, language, commodities
etc. The discovery of the round object, which experienced the least
amount of friction, was nothing short of a miracle or a boon for the
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1. Fire:
could have been possible if some unknown caveman hadn’t literally
‘played with fire’. The discovery of fire is one of the greatest ones
done in the history of mankind. We have come a long way indeed from
producing fire by rubbing two stones. The way fire is produced and the
carriers of it have extended over thousands of years but fire, being an
element of Earth, remains what it was since time immemorial. Of all
things it has helped us in accomplishing, fire is the reason we love our
food. We owe a lot to that caveman. Fire indeed deserves to top the
list of most amazing discoveries.
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