Wednesday, 2 December 2015

The secrets of being intelligent

I am not intelligent but I have been around far too many intelligent people .Its no secret as far as I could see my friends just enjoyed what they learn where as I am very lazy and sleep for hours and hours together :P .Imagine you love cricket .You play everyday ..someone who is not interested obviously cannot play as good as you or someone who is learning to achieve some goal will look up to you for guidance ! but you are not looking particularly to achieve some goal play because you absolutely enjoy playing....but
for your friend he plays because he wants to be a cricketing legend in future ..but he does not enjoy it he is going for it only because he wants the money on the other hand dont really care about the money but just enjoy playing will be the better one no matter how good your friend becomes ..ultimately your friend will think you were born to play cricket or you are unbeatable ...

so just select a field of interest rather than looking for what benefits it will have in store for you ! ..thats important but not that important !because if you take something you dont like for the benefits like income it offers ..theres a good chance you may give up even before you start !because of lack of interest ..

Everyone would be intelligent if they played according to their interests or desires and passions ..Brain is more comfortable with your interests ! 
However, The secret is to get out and learn about various things like history, language, culture, science, cars, religion, etc.

Some people "can't" be because they are stuck in their own little world and aren't willing to go outside of their comfort zone. Ever notice how some people can migrate to one country, learn it's language, but never get better at it, while others migrate, learn the language, and speak it wonderfully. Some people are just happy being in their own little spot/neighborhood/culture.

Use your brain by seeking out different perspectives on things. Try thinking about stuff in a different way. Try learning about one thing every week. Everyone has the potential to be smart, but not everyone takes advantage of it.
1.Approach everything with an open mind.

Practice the difficult stuff.

If you get stuck, ask help from an expert.

2. Lack of resources. Genes.

3. It works no matter if you conciously use it or not. Not always to your advantage. Train it to get it under your control. Concentration meditation is a good help. Concentrate on doing boring stuff, it'll train your brain to do whatever you tell it to do. Discipline will always get you further, no matter how high your IQ when you start.

   Please suggest your own possible steps or secrets of being intelligent in the comment box below !   

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