1. Letting someone blow air into your vagina.

Or if, for some reason, you take a
syringe full of air and pump it into your vagina. If you get enough air,
blown at sufficient force, it can result in a fatal air embolism — when air bubbles get into your bloodstream and kill you.
Stay safe: Don’t let anyone blow in your vagina.2. Dryer lint.

When lint builds up in your dryer, it
could cause your dryer to overheat and potentially catch fire.
According to a 1998 report from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were roughly 15,600 dryer fires that year, causing 20 deaths and 370 injuries.
Stay safe: Clean out your dryer lint in between each use.3. Cleaning the bathroom.

Mixing bleach with other common household cleaners can create toxic gases that could potentially kill you. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: NEVER mix bleach with ammonia or any other cleaner.
Stay safe: If you’re going to use bleach, read the
instructions incredibly carefully. And never, ever mix it with other
household cleaners.4. Tylenol.

Or, rather, way too much
acetaminophen (a pain reliever that Tylenol is made of, and that’s found
in many other medications). Acetaminophen overdose causes about 500 deaths in the United States
each year. When taken as directed, acetaminophen can be very helpful.
But it’s easy to take more than you should, because it’s in so many
medications that you might feel compelled to take simultaneously (like
Tylenol and Nyquil, for instance). There are about 60,000 cases of
acetaminophen-related liver damage every year, most of them accidental.
Stay safe: Always read the label before you take any
medication. If you’re taking a medication that has acetaminophen as one
of the ingredients, don’t take any other medication that also contains
acetaminophen. Talk to your doctor about what’s safe.5. Drinking too much water, too fast.
Two tragic examples: In 2005, a man died after a fraternity hazing ritual where he had to chug water from a jug over and over again. In 2007, a California woman died after participating in a water-drinking contest
hosted by a local radio station. The cause of death in both cases was
water intoxication, which is when someone drinks so much water in a
short amount of time that the kidneys can’t process it quickly enough,
causing deadly swelling of the brain and lungs. It has also happened to
athletes during extreme sporting events; as well as to people taking
club drugs, who feel insatiable thirst and end up drinking too much
water too quickly.
Stay safe: Don’t ever force yourself to drink when you aren’t
thirsty. And don’t do MDMA, Molly, or ecstasy.6. Pools, lakes, bathtubs — any body of water, really.

According to the CDC,
drowning is the third biggest cause of death from “unintentional
injury” in the world. In the United States, it’s THE leading cause of
death from unintentional injury for children under 4 years old —
overtaking car accidents in 2005. Of all drowning deaths, 9.7% occurred
in bathtubs; 16.3% in swimming pools; 47.2% in natural water, and 26.8%
Stay safe: Always keep a close eye on your kids when they’re
in or around water, even if there’s a lifeguard on duty. Don’t leave
young children unattended in a bathtub for any amount of time.7. Pressure washers.

A pressure washer is a very strong
cleaning tool that sprays water at SUPER high pressure. It can cause
serious wounds if you accidentally point it at yourself or others. The
wound might not appear bad, but it could potentially become infected.
Per a CDC fact sheet:
“Wounds that appear minor can cause a person to delay treatment,
increasing risk for infection, disability or amputation.” Other pressure
washer risks, according to the CDC, include carbon monoxide poisoning,
electric shock, and also the possibility that the washer might hit small
objects that can turn into dangerous projectiles.
Stay safe: Never point it at yourself, and never try to use it to move things around, for starters.8. Vending machines.

In 1995, a number of soda vending
machine manufacturers agreed to label their machines with a warning that
they could cause death or serious injury if rocked or tilted. It’s
pretty rare, but not unheard of: Between 1978 and 1995, there were at
least 37 known cases of people dying, and 113 injuries, due to vending machines falling over onto them.
Stay safe: Don’t rock or tilt or jiggle the vending machine.9. Minor cuts and scratches.

Most cuts and scratches end up
healing on their own and everything’s fine. But if you don’t wash and
dress your wounds, you risk them becoming infected. And infected wounds
can lead to major problems — like sepsis. Sepsis can kill you in a
matter of days.
Stay safe: Learn how to treat your cuts and wounds the right way.10. The flu.
Between 1976 and 2006, the flu killed
thousands of Americans every year. The death rates ranged from a low of
3,000 deaths in a flu season, to a high of 49,000 deaths during a
season. Each year, roughly 200,000 Americans end up hospitalized because
of the flu, according to the CDC.
The flu is especially dangerous for the young (under 5), the old (over
65), pregnant women, and people with underlying health conditions (like
asthma, heart disease, and diabetes), but those are not the only people
who can become very sick or die from it.
Stay safe: Get the flu shot if you can, every year (typically
in October or so, just before flu season). It isn’t a guarantee (this
year it was only partially effective), but it’s definitely better than
NOT getting vaccinated. Not only does it help lower your chances of
catching the flu, but the more people who are vaccinated, the better it
is for people who are especially vulnerable to flu complications.11. Not getting enough sleep.

Insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic, according to the CDC.
In fact, the National Department of Transportation estimates that drowsy driving is responsible for roughly 1,550 car accident deaths and 40,000 car accident injuries each year.
Stay safe: Sleep for seven to nine hours a night.In fact, the National Department of Transportation estimates that drowsy driving is responsible for roughly 1,550 car accident deaths and 40,000 car accident injuries each year.
12. Shoveling snow.

Every year, a handful of people die, usually from heart attacks, while shoveling snow after a blizzard. And a study that looked at emergency room visits
from 1990 to 2006 found that snow-shoveling accidents accounted for
roughly 11,500 ER visits per year (and accounted for 1,647 deaths during
the 16-year time period).
Stay safe: Don’t push yourself — pay attention to what your
body is telling you; work with a friend or family member to split the
job into more manageable parts; and take plenty of breaks to lower your
heart rate and drink water and get some rest.13. Eating food.

Remember how President George W. Bush choked on a pretzel?
It’s more common than you’d expect. Choking is the eighth most common
cause of accidental injury death in the United States, according to the National Safety Council.
It’s especially common in young kids and in the elderly, although it
can and does happen to people of all ages. Hot dogs are especially
Stay safe: Cut up your food into smaller pieces. If you’re
serving hot dogs to kids, cut them longwise and in tiny bits. Chew your
food carefully. Don’t talk with your mouth full.14. Cheating on your wife.

And not because she’ll kill you (har
har), but because you might have a heart attack while having sex with
your mistress. According to a statement from the American Heart Association,
an autopsy review of 5,559 cases of sudden death found that 75% of the
people who died DURING intercourse were having extramarital sex. It was
often with a younger partner, and often after having consumed a lot of
food and alcohol earlier in the night. To be fair, the people in the
study whose heart attacks happened during sex was incredibly low in
general (about 0.6% of all sudden deaths). But… the point stands.
Stay safe: Don’t cheat.
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