Thursday 5 November 2015


From all parts of the world come myths and legends about the underworld, a mysterious and shadowy place beyond ordinary human experience. The underworld is the realm of the dead, the destination of human souls in the afterlife. In some traditions, it is also the home of nonhuman, supernatural, or otherworldly beings such as fairies, demons, giants, and monsters. Although usually portrayed as a terrifying, dangerous, or unpredictable place, the underworld appears as a source of growth, life, and rebirth in some myths. Many descriptions of the underworld include elements of earthly life, such as powerful rulers and palaces.
The most common idea of the underworld is that it lies beneath the everyday world. The

Friday 30 October 2015

Sense of youthful purpose driven by action and passion

Stanford education Professor William Damon says that research shows that while young people can sometimes struggle with a sense of purpose, they are likely to find it in concrete and action-oriented goals.
L.A. Cicero Students planting trees at Stanford Stanford students plant trees on campus in 2013. Professor William Damon sees such activities as

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